Be salty...

Recently I had a conversation with a new colleague in our team. We have regularly strong conversations in our team because we, as digital product managers, represent all of innovation, research and software development . This means we represent a large scale of stakes, technologies and products for which we offer a digital platform. This sometimes requires strong conversations.

This new colleague called me after the meeting and asked: "Are your conversations always so salty?". "Salty?", I asked. "Yes, salty", he said. "You mean like spicy", I checked. "Yes, exactly". And after my explanation it just kept sticking. Is that what salty is about? Realizing the importance of things to that extend it results in being the stone that people bump into. That you just don't care if they like you or not because you have a mission which is more important to you. The interesting part is that Jesus calls as to be that way in Matthew 5:13. Mattheüs 5:13:

You are like salt for everyone on earth. But if salt no longer tastes like salt, how can it make food salty? All it is good for is to be thrown out and walked on.

And I just cannot let go of this thought: "Am I salty enough?". We are balancing on the edge of world war III. We have had a pandemic and now an energy crisis. There is despair all around us. And what do we do? Are happily continuing with playing church or are we taking Jesus seriously? Are we just busy living our lives and are we asking the question on Sunday: "Shall I go to church or not?". Or is the Sunday a celebration of what God has been doing in our lives? Can we testify on Sunday about how we made a difference together with the creator of heaven and earth?
When our Father is the God who created everything then why do we limit our expectations? I challenge you to expect more of God in your life. Just imagine what you would like to have God do in your life. And believe he will give it to you, see Mat 7: 9-11The world needs the revelation of the children of God more than ever before. 
Rom 8:19 In fact, all creation is eagerly waiting for God to show who his children are.
We as followers of Jezus Christ are called to bring a different culture. A culture of faith, hope and love! So let's be salty and spread it around. Let's build the Kingdom of God by yeasting all the flour in this world so the dough will rise!
Mat 13:33 The kingdom of heaven is like what happens when a woman mixes a little yeast into three big batches of flour. Finally, all the dough rises.

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